Monday, May 16, 2011

CEO's are wind bags

I am one of few people who are able to see and hear first hand the bullshit that flows out of the mouths of the corporate executives of the world.

Time after time these lying selfish manipulating assholes stand in front of thousands of people and confidently spew loads of bullshit. What amazes me is that people actually believe what they say.

Here is an example.

A couple years back a co-worker and I are doing a corporate event somewhere in Puerto Rico. The gig was for a small pharma company that was on the verge of becoming a large pharma company. The name of the company is not important as they are all exactly the same in respect to what I am about to tell you. The CEO of the company, an aggressive middle-aged business woman, who seems to feel more comfortable in men's clothes, is rehearsing her opening speech. From 6pm until at least midnight she is going over and over her script and prompter notes.

"Good morning, welcome to Puerto Rico, thanks for coming and so on and so on."

The entire opening message she was to convey was to last maybe three minutes, yet she rehearsed for at least six hours straight. Come to think of it she called us all in early the next morning to rehearse this bit even further.

The show starts and the attendees finally arrive. They file in, take their seats and calmly await their leader's address. The walk-in music fades, the lights dim to show level and the CEO takes the stage.

...and I quote...

"Good morning everyone, thanks for coming and welcome to beautiful Puerto Rico. Before we get started I think it's important to be totally honest and straight forward with you. I want you all to know that what I'm about to say is completely unrehearsed and straight from my heart."

It was at this moment that my co-worker needed to restrain me and keep me from flying through the backstage drapes to beat the living shit out of this woman. It was also at this moment that I realized just how much these assholes lie about their business practices and criminal actions. Not only to the public but to their own people as well. It opened my eyes even further allowing me to see the overwhelming corruption and lack of ethical behavior that runs rampant through the business communities. And how the framework of our capitalist societies are based on absolute lies and immoral actions.

Why do I rant about human stupidity and how much this world sucks? It's because of behavior like this. And it's because of behavior like this that we are headed for a massive collapse in our pathetically sad civilization.


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