Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Superior Intellect?

Does man actually have the superior intellect of all the creatures on this blue planet of ours? Is there any way of really knowing? Or do we, as humans, simply assume that we have the greater knowledge?
Dolphins have a permanent smile planted on their faces. Coincidence? I don't think so. They figured something out a long time ago. With no natural enemies except of course, man, they swim the blue oceans free and easy. Not even bothered by the worlds most feared predator, the shark. Their bodies are a perfect design. Made to swim and glide through the water effortlessly. Something worked with these guys. And it turns out they're pretty smart too. Do they have computers? No. Do they need em'? No. Do they have fancy buildings and cars? No. Do they need em'? No. Money? War? Greed? Hunger? Religion? Politics? No. Do they need it? No.
Are you so sure humans are the smartest living things on earth?
Are you?