Monday, December 19, 2011


"It's not the principles and physics of flying that worries me, it's the stupidity of humans."


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Miss conceptions

It amazes me that people think Brittany Spears is a super talent, a mega star, an icon of the music industry.
I wonder what these people would think if she looked like Eugene Levy...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

humans are filthy as pigs and dumb as rocks

Just think how unbelievably smelly and filthy humans have been for thousands of years. We only just came up with indoor plumbing a couple hundred years ago, if that. Shitting their brains out with no toilet paper. There breath must've stunk. Teeth falling out. No deodorant.

The human race has been filthy as pigs and as dumb as a box of rocks for pretty much their entire existence. And now we think we own the world. What a bunch of fucking morons.

Waiting patiently for massive extra terrestrial impact to wipe us off the face of the earth. Or at least massive tsunamis and earthquakes that will ravage our cities and leave us to die arid foodless deaths in the boiling hot deserts the land will become.

Or perhaps bears will inherit the planet.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Birds are dinosaurs

Paleontologists have named about 1000 species of dinosaurs depending on what journals you read. They believe that makes up about 1/5 of what was really out there during the mesozoic era, "the age of reptiles". Sixty five million years ago, this Sunday, they suddenly all disappeared. Or did they? What we believe now is that the last major extinction of life took only the non Avian dinosaurs. Some of those pesky "hole in the hip socket" reptiles still exist. BIRDS. Tonight when you go home and eat a half of a roasted chicken, you're eating a dinosaur. When you walk through Central Park tomorrow in New York City and you see a pigeon walking along the path next to you, you're walking with a dinosaur. That's correct. Birds have evolved from a type of dinosaur much like humans have evolved from a type of mammal.

The link, or the "missing link" as it is sometimes referred, is Archeopteryx. The first bird fossil ever found. It was found in 1861 in Solnheim Germany and it is considered to be the most famous fossil ever found. It is an impression in stone of a perfect specimen. So much so that the ribs of the feathered wings are clearly visible. At the AMNH in NYC, we compare the complete skeleton of Deinonichus, a dromeosaur, to a scaled model of Archeoptyrx. The similarities are incredible and hard to ignore. The fused wrist bones, the straight and flattened tail, the large singular claw, the tree toes, the expanded rib cage, etc.

Stop by the AMNH for a free tour to learn more. Tours given by yours truly FNK, mostly Saturdays and Sundays. This Saturday in fact at 1:15 and Sunday at 3:15. You too can learn more about the planet you live on. Planet Earth.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The only thought I have is ...

"The human race grosses me out"

With all their fatness and foul behavior
It's a wonder the job of the housekeeper.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From "The Book of Wisdom of Foo Non Kay"

Foo Non Kay Say:

All jokes are old after they are told once.

I said Tsunami NOT Salami!

What are you gonna do, NOT drink?

Smooth as a Fish.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today is the longest day of the year. One hundred million years ago it was the exact same day but the dinosaurs could care less. There was one small mammal that was concerned however. And it wrote about it. Oddly enough the essay was just found in a cave not to far from New Jersey. In it the mammal suggests that thirty five million years from the day it wrote it, there would be another mass extinction. Obviously it was an extremely informed little mammal. They think it was a small glire. A rabbit of sorts.

No other documents were found in the cave. Authorities are concerned that it was staged and that this little glire from the Cretaceous period never wrote anything.

I, FNK, believe that this furry little critter probably wrote many things, but didn't have a large audience and quickly lost interest in the art of writing.


Monday, May 16, 2011

CEO's are wind bags

I am one of few people who are able to see and hear first hand the bullshit that flows out of the mouths of the corporate executives of the world.

Time after time these lying selfish manipulating assholes stand in front of thousands of people and confidently spew loads of bullshit. What amazes me is that people actually believe what they say.

Here is an example.

A couple years back a co-worker and I are doing a corporate event somewhere in Puerto Rico. The gig was for a small pharma company that was on the verge of becoming a large pharma company. The name of the company is not important as they are all exactly the same in respect to what I am about to tell you. The CEO of the company, an aggressive middle-aged business woman, who seems to feel more comfortable in men's clothes, is rehearsing her opening speech. From 6pm until at least midnight she is going over and over her script and prompter notes.

"Good morning, welcome to Puerto Rico, thanks for coming and so on and so on."

The entire opening message she was to convey was to last maybe three minutes, yet she rehearsed for at least six hours straight. Come to think of it she called us all in early the next morning to rehearse this bit even further.

The show starts and the attendees finally arrive. They file in, take their seats and calmly await their leader's address. The walk-in music fades, the lights dim to show level and the CEO takes the stage.

...and I quote...

"Good morning everyone, thanks for coming and welcome to beautiful Puerto Rico. Before we get started I think it's important to be totally honest and straight forward with you. I want you all to know that what I'm about to say is completely unrehearsed and straight from my heart."

It was at this moment that my co-worker needed to restrain me and keep me from flying through the backstage drapes to beat the living shit out of this woman. It was also at this moment that I realized just how much these assholes lie about their business practices and criminal actions. Not only to the public but to their own people as well. It opened my eyes even further allowing me to see the overwhelming corruption and lack of ethical behavior that runs rampant through the business communities. And how the framework of our capitalist societies are based on absolute lies and immoral actions.

Why do I rant about human stupidity and how much this world sucks? It's because of behavior like this. And it's because of behavior like this that we are headed for a massive collapse in our pathetically sad civilization.


Friday, April 22, 2011

"God Helps Those WHo Help Themselves"

Well, Barb has beckoned and I shall not disappoint. JJ is
correct. I am a lazy blogger with a total
lack of interest in the human race, but mostly, I am just a
lazy Honky Fucker.

I would like to once again express my complete lack of respect
for the catholic religion...

...and he said... "God helps those who help themselves"

Okay, what we're suppose to believe here is, when you help yourself and good things happen, it's really God who's doing it.

Wow! This one really hurts.

How mother fucking stupid can we possibly be?

Okay, it's "Good Friday" and I will be less abusive. Let's say for shits and giggles that God does exist. And all this time I've been wrong and the 'believers' are right. There actually is an 'All Powerful Being' floating around somewhere affecting everybody's life in one way or another. Well, not everyone, just those who actually believe in him (or her if you will)

I could see God allowing or 'causing' natural disasters. I could see him wiping out hundreds of thousands of people at a time, maybe to thin the exploding population, maybe he's just having fun, who knows. The question would be, "But why allow children to starve? You fuckin' fuck!"

What kind of sick God are you? And what kind of sick world is this that YOU have created?

"Should he be struck by a bolt of lightening..."

Today is Earth Day and I think we should all recognize the Earth for a brief moment.

It's only been a hundred years or so that we've know about plate tectonics, continental drift or the floating of the Cratons over and around the Asthenosphere. We have built cities, unknowingly over unstable ground. We know this today. We see this happening today. We see it with disasters like the recent earthquake and tsunami on Japan, the earthquake in Chile and the one in Haiti not too long ago. The rock we live on doesn't care about health insurance or the the Armani suit you're wearing, you stupid fucks...

Think of the Earth as a gigantic gasoline engine. It's major rivers and streams are it's fuel lines and the ocean basins are the fuel tanks.

Would you ever consider putting anything in your gas tank except gas? Say, sand or garbage... banana peels, toothpicks...? No of course you wouldn't. It would be foolish to do so. Your car would stop running and you would have a major problem on your hands.

All of the Earth's major rivers empty into the oceans.

The streams empty into the rivers and so on.
And you clog the system.

It is important to recognize the power of the planet that gives us life.

Planet Earth

This is what the scientists have named it.

The reality is...
that without it, we wouldn't stand a chance.

Thanks Barb you are my new muse....