Friday, October 22, 2010

People that have more than twenty items and go to the twenty items or less express line at the super market are not only assholes but are the perfect example of why there is so much bullshit in the world. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

People that make money off other people's money are not to be trusted.

I have decided to never again apologize for the things that I do. I do what I do, and that is all.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

I apologize for the lack of posts. I have been too busy being aggravated and bewildered by the constant flow of stupidity that surrounds me. 


Recently I have come to realize that there is no profession that is free of assholes. No matter what industry you are in, be it the corporate world, entertainment, sports, health, education, or the scientific community, you will be surrounded by assholes. The reason for this is obvious, they are all formed, founded, and comprised of humans. 

It sometimes amazes me that homo sapiens are not extinct yet. Then again we are certainly not far from this almost certain destiny. When you take the time to think, as no one does, you can clearly see that the smarter we think we are, the more troubles we seem to have. 

As our species is linked to australopithecus afarensis who existed 7 million years ago or so, which in geologic time is a mere blink of an eye, I believe we have evolved into a whole other species entirely. We may as well have been linked to smilodon, (commonly known as the saber-toothed tiger), by the way we now act. When we were living in the wild with the other hairy mammals, we were so much more primitive yet we somehow lasted these millions of years. It would do us well to to wipe out 60 to 90 percent of homo sapiens, and throw ourselves back into the stone age. The only problem with that is we most likely wouldn't learn from our mistakes and would wind up repeating our entire fucked up greedy and power hungry existence. Perhaps, this is what already happened, and maybe many times over. This isn't a new thought I'm aware, but it is a real one.  

This blog entry is food for thought and to stop me from coming out from behind stage and screaming my head off in the faces of these corporate fucks. Day after day my job forces me to listen to these babbling fucking morons that think they are so important and smart. When will it stop? I have to answer my own question. Not until the natural world stops it for us. 

I am actually hoping for such a time. 

There has to be a balance.