Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Miss conceptions

It amazes me that people think Brittany Spears is a super talent, a mega star, an icon of the music industry.
I wonder what these people would think if she looked like Eugene Levy...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

humans are filthy as pigs and dumb as rocks

Just think how unbelievably smelly and filthy humans have been for thousands of years. We only just came up with indoor plumbing a couple hundred years ago, if that. Shitting their brains out with no toilet paper. There breath must've stunk. Teeth falling out. No deodorant.

The human race has been filthy as pigs and as dumb as a box of rocks for pretty much their entire existence. And now we think we own the world. What a bunch of fucking morons.

Waiting patiently for massive extra terrestrial impact to wipe us off the face of the earth. Or at least massive tsunamis and earthquakes that will ravage our cities and leave us to die arid foodless deaths in the boiling hot deserts the land will become.

Or perhaps bears will inherit the planet.