Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mitt Romney and the republicans

…I cannot support the Republican Party…

Besides wanting to make the rich richer, which is already enough to make you sick, Mitt Romney wants to allow large corporations to rape American soil by drilling and fracking for oil and natural gas with little or no regulations, under the guise that this will create more jobs for Americans.
It will not create more jobs for Americans, in fact, what it will do, is put more money into the pockets of the CEO’s of these companies, keeping the middle class poorer, and the upper class richer. 

I sit behind the controls of the multimedia equipment for these private meetings of these modern day Robber Barons, and though I am not allowed to disclose what I overhear through the amplification system, I am allowed by civil rights to absorb the information and discuss it as I see fit. And by my calculations, or summaries if you will, these “Republican” money hungry bastards have nothing else on their minds but money. Not the American people, not the economy, not the environment, and certainly not the poor. All that’s on their mind, is THEIR money. I’ll say it again, “Just Their Money”.

The problem with this financially focused environmentally blind culture is, it’s not money that sustains human life, it’s the natural resources of earth, the planet we live on, that sustains all life.  And when a person, running for the office of the president of the United States stands before me and declares that he is not concerned about the earth or it’s depletion of natural resources I say,

..I cannot support the Republican Party…

You could live a day or two without money, perhaps many more, but how many days can you live without oxygen or fresh water.

The answers are :

Water - about three days, give or take.

Oxygen  - about three minutes, maybe.

Mitt Romney is a plastic puppet. He is a puppet in the hands of blind men.

A man whose religion is based on a “vision” of some crazed New Englander from the 1800’s. I’ll say it again, his religion is based on a crazed man’s vision from the eighteen hundreds. That’s right, the eighteen hundreds.

You do what you have to do on election day.

But in the end it's all up to the electoral college...WTF is that all about? Can we get out of the stone age?


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Q: Do chick insects have tits?

A: No.