Friday, April 22, 2011

"God Helps Those WHo Help Themselves"

Well, Barb has beckoned and I shall not disappoint. JJ is
correct. I am a lazy blogger with a total
lack of interest in the human race, but mostly, I am just a
lazy Honky Fucker.

I would like to once again express my complete lack of respect
for the catholic religion...

...and he said... "God helps those who help themselves"

Okay, what we're suppose to believe here is, when you help yourself and good things happen, it's really God who's doing it.

Wow! This one really hurts.

How mother fucking stupid can we possibly be?

Okay, it's "Good Friday" and I will be less abusive. Let's say for shits and giggles that God does exist. And all this time I've been wrong and the 'believers' are right. There actually is an 'All Powerful Being' floating around somewhere affecting everybody's life in one way or another. Well, not everyone, just those who actually believe in him (or her if you will)

I could see God allowing or 'causing' natural disasters. I could see him wiping out hundreds of thousands of people at a time, maybe to thin the exploding population, maybe he's just having fun, who knows. The question would be, "But why allow children to starve? You fuckin' fuck!"

What kind of sick God are you? And what kind of sick world is this that YOU have created?

"Should he be struck by a bolt of lightening..."

Today is Earth Day and I think we should all recognize the Earth for a brief moment.

It's only been a hundred years or so that we've know about plate tectonics, continental drift or the floating of the Cratons over and around the Asthenosphere. We have built cities, unknowingly over unstable ground. We know this today. We see this happening today. We see it with disasters like the recent earthquake and tsunami on Japan, the earthquake in Chile and the one in Haiti not too long ago. The rock we live on doesn't care about health insurance or the the Armani suit you're wearing, you stupid fucks...

Think of the Earth as a gigantic gasoline engine. It's major rivers and streams are it's fuel lines and the ocean basins are the fuel tanks.

Would you ever consider putting anything in your gas tank except gas? Say, sand or garbage... banana peels, toothpicks...? No of course you wouldn't. It would be foolish to do so. Your car would stop running and you would have a major problem on your hands.

All of the Earth's major rivers empty into the oceans.

The streams empty into the rivers and so on.
And you clog the system.

It is important to recognize the power of the planet that gives us life.

Planet Earth

This is what the scientists have named it.

The reality is...
that without it, we wouldn't stand a chance.

Thanks Barb you are my new muse....

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